I hope you are doing well, despite the snow that has been making it’s way down all day.
Last time I sent you a message I said that I would be starting to send out some ways to work on keeping your spine in good health.
Well, I’ve uploaded a video to my YouTube channel with a nice subtle exercise which helps to open up your thoracic spine and provide it with a little more mobility.
You see, that’s an area of the spine that SHOULD be less mobile than our more movable cervical and lumbar spine, however, not to the point where we are stiff, have difficulty moving, therefore putting more pressure on the other areas of the spine.  This can trickle over into creating other issues in the body like lower back pain, instability in the hips, knees and/or problems in the feet just to name a few.
It’s a nice Sunday evening to stay in where it’s cozy and enjoy this lovely restorative exercise that can have the potential to both prevent injury and/or restore movement in a potentially sticky part of the spine.
I hope that you get a chance to give it a try, and to possibly build it into your regular routine!
Here it is:
(Click on the Link Below)
My goal is to help as many people as I can and to share all that I continue to learn.  I want people to understand that the pain we may potentially encounter is not a life sentence. There are things we can do to take control over our own situations.  I got help from my fabulous teachers and I want to pay it forward.
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